Tuesday, April 04, 2006

$350 to see Madonna's crotch?? The Gods must be crazy!

These concert ticket prices are getting waaaay out of hand.

No way should anybody pay $350 to see Madonna open her legs as wide as can be.

This is sickening - it is likely the outcome of Madonna's outrageous performance fees and the promoter's greed.

As payback, I should download Madonna's soul.

You know, I really believe that this started when the Eagles did their Hell Freezes Over tour back in 1994. Back then, the tickets to this show cost $80, a HUGE increase in ticket prices. Previously, tickets had crept up in price from about $15-$17 per show to about $27-$30 per show. At the time, I thought that prices was insane. Now, regularly we see Aerosmith and all kinds of rock acts who charged $25 for their show in the early to mid ninenties charging $150. Please, your songs are not that good! No one's songs are not that good. I'd pay $150 to see Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis or Beethoven TODAY. That's it.

Don't go see Madonna. It's not worth it. Hook up a high speed Internet connection and download the show - and all of her albums.


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