You've got to love a union ballsy enough to run billboards denouncing the politicians whom they hate.
Jean Charest is the premier of Quebec. I firmly believe that he resents Quebecers for forcing him from federal to provincial politics. Yeah, he has a budget to balance. Yeah, sometimes unions - CSN in particular - have too strong a sense of self-entitlement. Yeah - I'm sick of both these parties. Doesn't take away from the brilliance of the attitude of this sign.

Use the media against the politicians...there are a couple of billboards I'd like to take out myself!
Jean Charest is the premier of Quebec. I firmly believe that he resents Quebecers for forcing him from federal to provincial politics. Yeah, he has a budget to balance. Yeah, sometimes unions - CSN in particular - have too strong a sense of self-entitlement. Yeah - I'm sick of both these parties. Doesn't take away from the brilliance of the attitude of this sign.

Use the media against the politicians...there are a couple of billboards I'd like to take out myself!
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