Monday, December 19, 2005

Why I Love Montreal

Yeah, yeah. I know. I said I was back but I didn't realize that (1) I'd get the flu again and (2) my grading would take me so long to complete.

Well, I'm done. I handed in my grades today.

So...I met my friend Tracey this evening to celebrate (1) my birthday, which was last week and (2) her successful PhD defence, which was a month ago, (3) my finishing my grading and (4) her winning a postdoc position at the Université de Montréal. Yay us!

So...before meeting up with her I had a little time on my hands so I went to Starbucks, had an espresso and read a little bit of the current book that I'm reading: The Plot Against America by Philip Roth.

So...while I was there I saw something that epitomizes part of what I love about Montreal. I think it's best presented to you visually. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the view from my local Starbucks, right near Concordia University.

Yup. That's the Starbucks sign, followed by a sign saying "spectacles erotiques". My local Starbucks is right across from a strip joint called Octopussy. You can see the Octopussy sign and the text "XXX" to the far right of the picture.

I just appreciate being able to even take this picture. This should mitigate the guilt I feel by downing many, many soy chai lattes while I grade exams. I did find out today that their solo espresso allongé sucks big time.


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