A History of Violence (Viggo is Hot!)
Guess which movie I saw tonight?

Yeah. It's a Cronenberg flick. I suppose everyone's seen it already. I think it came out several months ago.
Holy graphic sexual content Batman! I mean, we didn't get any porn-style close-ups but there was no mistaking what was going on. We saw, and I'll use the technical terms, mutual oral gratification, solo oral gratification, manual stimulation of the female genitalia, role playing, and rough copulation. But, here's the thing, it was all within the context of a very loving relationship. No, really. It's true. Tom (Viggo Mortensen) and Edie (Maria Bello) are these two people who are so truly and deeply in love and their physical expressions of that love, no matter how graphic, leave you with a very satisfying feeling. (Umm...yeah...not in that way, kind of. Yeah, Viggo is hot.)
Viggo Mortensen plays Tom Stalls, a quiet, unassuming midwestern family man who runs a diner in the center of the very small town of Millbrook, Indiana. The film opens with two violent criminals on the lam who go from small town to small town robbing and murdering ordinary people randomly and at will. They make the mistake of visiting Tom's diner with the intention of robbing the cash register. Instead of taking the money and leaving, they attempt to humiliate Tom, his employees and his patrons by raping a female employee before proceeding to murder them all. Tom takes it upon himself to very expertly de-arm and execute the two criminals, making himself a national hero and attracting the attention of a few very shady men in black who insist that Tom has an impressive history of violence. I talked about the sex because I can't talk about the film. I absolutely loved this film. I laughed during the most inappropriate moments. I consider that a good thing. The end was real. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday night with a couple of friends who like to talk about anarchy.*
*Anarchy is a viable political system. Anarchy does not mean chaos, violence or revolution. It means a decentralized, horizontal system of self-management and mutual responsibility. It is a system that adheres to the essence of democratic values - it is participatory, transparent and inclusive. Want more info? Email me.

Yeah. It's a Cronenberg flick. I suppose everyone's seen it already. I think it came out several months ago.
Holy graphic sexual content Batman! I mean, we didn't get any porn-style close-ups but there was no mistaking what was going on. We saw, and I'll use the technical terms, mutual oral gratification, solo oral gratification, manual stimulation of the female genitalia, role playing, and rough copulation. But, here's the thing, it was all within the context of a very loving relationship. No, really. It's true. Tom (Viggo Mortensen) and Edie (Maria Bello) are these two people who are so truly and deeply in love and their physical expressions of that love, no matter how graphic, leave you with a very satisfying feeling. (Umm...yeah...not in that way, kind of. Yeah, Viggo is hot.)

*Anarchy is a viable political system. Anarchy does not mean chaos, violence or revolution. It means a decentralized, horizontal system of self-management and mutual responsibility. It is a system that adheres to the essence of democratic values - it is participatory, transparent and inclusive. Want more info? Email me.
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