Monday, October 10, 2005

The Howling Winds

The winds have been circling my home. Their voices wail and I don't know if they have a message for me or if they have been sent to put me at ease. They have made themselves known for many weeks now and I have become accustomed to the sound. Tonight, they sounded fearful. I slept and they infiltrated my dreams. There was a spirit of some sort. Usually, it took the form of a small, but vicious animal. We challenged each other. I taunted it from behind a window of glass, which I held firmly closed at all times, perhaps an indication of my inherent fear of its power. It engaged in showy displays of its power, daring me to come outside and face it unrestrained. I stayed behind my transparent, but tangible barrier, yet continued to challenge it with my eyes, with my intention. Now, the howling of the winds have taken on a different meaning. I don't know if I should trust them, if I should let them in. What once seemed like a mutual exchange of sentiment now seems like a challenge and a potential threat. I long for the winds to calm their voices and leave me be. What could this mean?


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