Depeche Mode Fights Breast Cancer!
Ha! Gotcha! I'm not talking about the band Depeche Mode, but my friend Depeche Mode (DM) who had a part in organizing CIBC's Run for the Cure, which took place yesterday in downtown Montreal.
DM's booth was called Harmonie and was dedicated to educating men, women and younguns about breast health. Two nurses manned the booth while DM oversaw its operation. On display were prosthetic breasts, which the nurses used to teach people about performing monthly breast self-examinations. DM ordered four kinds of prosthetic breasts: male, fe
male, adolescent and geriatric. Yes, geriatric. Note the elongated prosthetic breast in the picture at right. The droopy one. That one is the geriatric one. This is the one that I used to practice examining a breast. The nurse seemed horrified and kept reminding me that I was practicing on an elderly breast. Listen, droopy elderly boobs are completely natural. We must accept that our breasts will become this way as a part of the aging process. No! No! I don't want those breasts! Okay, this isn't about my desire for eternally perky breasts, this is about running for the cure.
Thousands of people turned out for the run. I always get verklempt when I see people getting together to support others in difficult times. It really warms the heart. Being the proud new owner of a digital camera, I decided to snap a few photos. You know how the drill goes: you snap a photo, you look at the display to see what you've got and then you look up again. So, I snapped a few photos. Snap, look, up. Snap, look, up - whoa! Who's that? Who do I see but our very own Gilles Duceppe, leader of the Bloc Québécois, a large federal political party. Awww. How nice for Gilles Duceppe to participate in the run. I mean, I'm sure it wasn't just a photo op. Well, he was walking and not running but a lot of people do that. Except...he was dressed in a business suit. Not a casual business suit, but the kind of suit that one wears when one reveals one's new economic plan to the national business council. Did I mention that it was 24 degrees Celsius in Montreal yesterday? Inadvertently, I managed to snap a picture of this fine occasion.
Yup, that's a black business suit all right. Way to look stodgy and disingenuous, Gilles. There were other politicians participating in the run, he wasn't the only one. Mayoral incumbent Gérald Tremblay participated as well decked out in GoMontreal propaganda. I saaw him. At least he was wearing sweats. Did I mention that Mayor Tremblay saved a citizen from a robber. I think I did. It's in the archives. If not, I'm sure I'll mention it in the future. The other mayoral candidate, Pierre Bourque, hit on me and my friend in front of Mont-Royal metro one day. This was during the last campaign. He was campaigning at that very moment, but very graciously took the time to sleaze it up a bit. How professional.
Anyway, at least one million dollars was raised for breast cancer and as far as I could see, a good time was had by all! Thanks DM for a great time!

Anyway, at least one million dollars was raised for breast cancer and as far as I could see, a good time was had by all! Thanks DM for a great time!
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