Let's Go to the Movies!
I'm planning on seeing a few movies. Take note that when I say I am planning to see movies, rarely do I go and see them. So, I should probably say that I'm planning to see these movies on video...eventually.
No, really, I'm going to try and catch these films. One of them I will DEFINITELY see on opening night. By myself. I'll save that one for last.
L'Horloge Biologique
Apparently, you find out a lot about what guys secretly think. I'm scared that it won't be any different from how I think. Supposedly, this film is good. It's about a group of thirty-somethings who are haunted by the ticking of their biological clocks. Essentially, the men are confronted with the end of "single life" and the beginning of "family life." It's gotten a lot of buzz here in Quebec. I'd like to see it on the big screen, so I'll try hard to make a showing.
I've already seen this film. The only problem is I watched it in Chinese with Japanese subtitles because I was desperate to see it. I speak very, very little Chinese and no Japanese. As a result, I can't really tell you what happens with any confidence. My logic behind watching it in two languages that I don't really speak is this: many Chinese and Japanese people watch films in English and seem to enjoy them. Granted, they tend to do this with Eddie Murphy flicks and not Wong Kar-Wai's magnum opus, but hey, I got the gist of it. It picks up on the story started in In the Mood for Love. It's not really a sequel, it's more a continuation of characters. Tony Leung is writing in the hotel where we last saw him. I think he is in room 2047. Across the hall is room 2046 and a lot goes on there. Sometimes, a train comes by and takes people to the year 2046. The train conductor is the hotel owner. Tony Leung falls in love with several women. Look, I know this isn't making sense, but I told you I DON'T SPEAK CHINESE. I think it is in three languages: Mandarin, Cantonese and Japanese. Again, I speak none of these languages beyond "hello," yes," "excuse me" and "can I see that in a size 10." Also, don't ask me where I got a Japanese copy of the movie. That's between me and Wong Kar-Wai.
Hee hee. I'm acting all stupid about this one. This is the one that I will definitely see. I LOVE RENT. I LOVE IT. I'm one of those people who LOVES the stage show. I remember hearing about the show while I was in my last year of university. It did very well on Broadway. Eventually, I moved to London and I managed to see it for the first time in the West End during the previews. Oh my God. I think the guy behind me summed it up perfectly: "Dude, I was a mess the whole second act." The dancing. The music. The doom and gloom. The joy and triumph. The rock and roll attitude. It's so me. I immediately bought three more tickets since my mum and sister were coming to visit me three weeks later. You know when you love something so much that you build it up and then when other people see it they think you overexaggerated just a tad? Yeah, I was scared because at the end of the show my sister turned to me with the strangest look on her face. "Oh no," I thought, "She hated it." All of a sudden she whispers, "That was amazing." So yeah, my sister loves it too. We saw it again two days later while my mum went to Salisbury and Bath. We've each seen it five times. I've seen in three times in London, once in Montreal and once at the Nederlander. Look. I would have seen it more times, but I don't live in New York, okay? At least I've seen it performed by the bulk of the original cast. Why Jesse L. Martin is wasting his time acting when he has that voice is beyond me. This is one of those situations where I get slightly irritated when other people say they love Rent too. No, no. Nobody understands Rent like I understand Rent. I know, that's wrong of me.
No, really, I'm going to try and catch these films. One of them I will DEFINITELY see on opening night. By myself. I'll save that one for last.
L'Horloge Biologique



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