Democracy! Ain't that a bitch! Hamas wins by a landslide!
And what's the first thing that the Americans say? They won't deal with Hamas. Umm...sorry people, you deal with whomever runs the country. Just because you don't like the election results doesn't mean that you can disregard the declaration of a people. Politicians make me SO SICK. I can't handle them this week.
I agree with Amr Moussa of the Arab League:
But the head of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, warned the US not to demonstrate double standards.
"The US can't promote democracy but then reject the results of this democracy." he said.
Source: BBC News.
Well said Mr. Moussa. No, you cannot promote democracy and then reject the results when they suit you. I, after all, must live with a government of homophobes - and where there's homophobia there are other hatreds lurking in the dark. But I digress.
In other news, Palestinians are idiots:
Hamas supporters raised their flag over the Palestinian parliament and rushed into the building amid clashes with Fatah loyalists a day after winning parliamentary elections.
Source: Yahoo/AP.
Yeah, go ahead and loot your own neighbourhood (coughLAriotscough). I hate it when people fighting for respect turn around and fight amongst themselves. Just hold it together for a minute, 'kay?
So..a few days ago, that crook Olmert said:
"In order to ensure the existence of a Jewish national home, we will not be able to continue ruling over the territories in which the majority of the Palestinian population lives," he said.
However, Mr Olmert said that Israel would keep security zones, the main settlement blocs, and places important to the Jewish people, such as Jerusalem.
"There can be no Jewish state without Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty," he said.
He also hinted that Israel would act alone to set a border in the West Bank if talks failed.
Source: BBC News.
When people threaten to act unilaterally, how can they complain when it creates more conflict? It's like those people who treat others badly and then get upset when no one wants to hang with them. You're a total ass! Who would want to be around you?
Anyway, this week I really don't intend to make intelligent sounding comments about all this. These people don't deserve my time or energy beyond raw emotion. I suspect this will continue into next week as the you know what continues to spill out of their mouths unstemmed.