Sunday, October 30, 2005

Oh please, CTV, give me a break

Tonight CTV showed the English language municipal election debate between Mayor Gerald Tremblay and his challenger, ex-Mayour Bourque.

The debate was set up as follows:
60 second introductions for each
3 segments where each candidate addressed a given issue for 1 minute and then both candidates debated the issue for 4 minutes
60 second closing remarks

Now, Tremblay and Bourque hate each other. If we didn't know that before, we knew it after the French language debates where they basically ripped each other apart. CTV, knowing this, pitted them against each other in the 4-minute debate segments. Of course, they yelled at each other.

Now, I just saw Stéphane Giroux "recap" the debates for the 11:30 news. Basically, he said that, unfortunately, the debates degenerated into a personal yelling match. His tone of voice let us know that he was oh so surprised that this happened between two mayoral candidates. Come on! Give me a break. You guys knew this would happen. Bill Haugland and Mitsumi Takahashi, CTV anchors and debate moderators, could barely keep a straight face!

Then, night anchor Tarah Schwartz invites "political analyst" Robert Libman to evaluate the debate outcome. Robert Libman is an ex-provincial and municipal politician. So...not really an "impartial" analyst. Anyway, he got on there and said he was "surprised" that Tremblay responded to Bourque on that level and that he should have played the part of the statesman. Well, I commend Tremblay for being real about this. Look, I am sick of wooden politicians giving us lip service. Show me how you feel. Bourque had the audacity to stand up there and talk about wanting to be the "people's mayor" in front of Tremblay who actually kicked a criminal's ass to save a student. Tremblay had to say something back. It's better than anything Libman ever did and it's better than Bourque hitting on me and Sabrina Sextina during the last municipal campaign.

Anyway, this is about CTV. The next time you want a gentlemanly debate don't pit two arch enemies against each other in an open forum designed to create strife. Or, don't act like you didn't expect or even desire it.


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