Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Stop Pulling my Water you Silly Eclipse!

Well, as promised, I've done some research into lunar eclipses. I'm not going to get into the mechanics of it since this is about my recent weird feelings and heightened senses.

To recap, Depeche Mode, my friend not the band, told me that on October 17th there was a lunar eclipse. She is very knowledgeable about astronomy and astrology. She offered this up as an explanation for why I have been having revealing dreams, why some people have been picking at me in that resentful, jealous way, why people have been pissing me off in general and why I have been experience a heightened sense of smelling evil.

This is what I uncovered:

According to NASA and other sources, on October 17, there occurred a partial lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the Earth's shadow. As seen from the moon, the Earth would be blocking the Sun resulting in a solar eclipse. As seen from Earth looking towards the moon, the moon appears to be partially darkened - fading into the night sky.

This guy makes connections between eclipses, both lunar and solar, and a heightened sense of self-awareness. He believes that now is the time to prepare ourselves for changes in our lives, to accept that we must let go of certain people in our lives and aspects of ourselves in order to make room for what is yet to come.

Now, if you read through my posts in the last week, you'll see that I've been antsy. Hell, I've even tried to email someone I've recently been getting to know a rant about feeling like I should be receiving some "answers" in the most nebulous sense of the word.

And, as you may also have noticed, I'm smelling people. I'm like a wolf suddenly. The smelling of less than sincere human beings is only the half of it. I usually have very heightened senses of smell and hearing but this is ridiculous. It's like I'm hearing conversations in Nepal or something and smelling people's fear. Okay, slight exaggeration but you get my drift.

I'll tell you this, there is a connection between a woman's menstrual cycle and the moon. If you're a woman, you know that this is true. You also know that you go through a series of emotions and feelings as you move through your menstrual cycle. Some cycles are better than others in this way.

It's a little known fact that I'm sitting on a book project about listening to your body or what some people call instinct and intuition. Today, I'm listening to what mine has to say.


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