Friday, October 28, 2005

More Natural Products

What to do...what to do? I'm a huge fan of natural products...buuuttt...I'm not sure about Lunapads. Yes, yes I'm referring to the blessed event of menstruation.

Men. I know, I know. Just...just move on. The ladies and I need to talk.

Ladies, you know how it is. Having your period isn't the most convenient thing in the world. Yes, yes of course, I love having my period. Yay! Yay, as an indication of no pregnancy. Yay, as an indication of general health. Yay, as an indication of the general ability to have wonderful, disciplined, children with all kinds of broughtupsy. I sooo appreciate having my period.

That being said, it's not the most comfortable situation in the world. It can be messy if not properly tended to. One's period has the tendencdy to remind you that it's there at the most inopportune moements. Sometimes it peeks out from where it's supposed to be hiding, all red and stuff. Hello...know that I'm here and that I've come to say hello to all friends, family and total strangers on the back of your pants. Sometimes, it's with a little twinge in the tummy area...or...or maybe a huge gut-wrenching cramp that extends from the pit of your bowels to the lower muscles of your upper legs. Yup, it definitely doesn't want you to forget that it's there.

So...sometimes sopping it up before it can reveal itself with massive cotton cylinders or suppressing its voice with all-powerful prescription pills is just so tempting, so necessary. I just can't imagine washing out these pads all day all night.

Or, I can't imagine reaching in there to stuff in and pull out these little cutie pies all day.

I mean, what am I supposed to do, stand in a public restroom washing out this stuff in the sink while I raise my eyebrows in apology and shrug my shoulders in embarrassment to fellow lady patrons of said public establishment? Would you wash out your underwear in general in a public place?

I am all for this particular natural product, but until I can find a way discreetly to cleanse said natural product, unfortunately, I am unable to partake of this movement.

Men, you may now stop plugging your ears and singing the Flinstones theme.



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