Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Must Read: The Basic Rules of War

Everybody should know the basic rules of war. If there was any doubt that BOTH sides in the Middle East conflicts - including the US in Iraw - have been violating the internationally accepted limits on war then this article should clear that up. A state CANNOT resort to anything and everything, including the slaughter of civilians. Remember, just because the army says it didn't intend to kill civilians doesn't mean it is telling the truth. Someone who is sorry tries not to do it again, in Lebanon the civilians continue to die IN HORDES!

The Basic Rules of War from the Canadian Red Cross

Attacks must be limited to combatants and military targets

* Civilians must not be attacked.
* Civilian objects (houses, hospitals, schools, places of worship, cultural or historic monuments, etc.) must not be attacked.
* Using civilians to shield military targets is prohibited.
* It is prohibited for combatants to pose as civilians.
* Starvation of civilians as a method of combat is prohibited.
* It is prohibited to attack objects that are indispensable to the survival of the civilian population (foodstuffs, farming areas, drinking water installations, etc.).
* It is prohibited to attack dams, dykes or nuclear power plants if such an attack may cause severe losses among the civilian population.

Attacks or weapons which indiscriminately strike civilian and military objects and persons, and which cause excessive injury or suffering, are prohibited

* Specific weapons are prohibited - chemical or biological weapons, blinding laser weapons, weapons that injure the body of fragments that escape detection by X-rays, poison, anti-personnel land mines, etc.
* It is prohibited to order, or to threaten, that there shall be no survivors.

Civilians, wounded combatants, and prisoners should be spared, protected and treated humanely

* No one shall be subjected to physical or mental torture, corporal punishment or cruel or degrading treatment.
* Sexual violence is prohibited.
* Parties to the conflict must search for and care for the enemy, the wounded and the sick who are in their power.
* It is prohibited to kill or wound an enemy who is surrendering or who is hors de combat.
* Prisoners are entitled to respect and must be treated humanely.
* Taking hostages is prohibited.
* Forced displacement of the civilian population is prohibited. What is called "ethnic cleansing" is prohibited.
* People in the hands of the enemy have the right to exchange news with their families and to receive humanitarian assistance (food, medical care, psychological support, etc.).
* Vulnerable groups, such as pregnant women, and nursing mothers, unaccompanied children, the elderly, etc., must be given special protection.
* Children under 15 may not be recruited or used as combatants.
* Everyone is entitled to a fair trial. Collective punishment is prohibited.

Military and civilian medical personnel and facilities (hospitals, clinics, ambulances, etc.) must be respected and protected and must be granted all available help for the performance of their duties.

* The Red Cross and Red Crescent emblem symbolizes the protection of medical personnel and facilities. Attacks on persons or objects wearing the emblem are prohibited.
* Medical units and transports shall not be used to commit acts harmful to the enemy.
* In the treatment of the wounded and sick, no priority should be given except on medical grounds.


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