Thank You
I just want to say thank you to the people on MySpace who are working to increase awareness about the wars in the Middle East, racism against Mexicans and others and the various corrupt Eastern and Western administrations who don't care a damn about civilian populations - domestic or foreign.
Anyone who immerses themselves in the daily news - a barrage of death that I cannot comprehend - knows how difficult it is to proceed with the normal daily tasks at hand. It is uplifting to see so many who care, so many who use whatever voice they have to inform and educate others. I thank those too who have read these bulletins with care and who have passed them on to others.
We, the people of some of the most integrated generations in history, must do all we can to counteract the racism, prejudice, lies, and propaganda that we are being fed in order to increase the power of the old guard. Make no mistake, the majority of these politicians do not care about you or your family. They lie to you about how it is to live in other countries and about how good or bad the people there can be.
Those of us who live in very multicultural communities know that whether someone is Black or White, Arab or Jewish, Hispanic or Asian has no bearing on the strength of their character. In each group there are good people and bad people and our task is to learn that just because some bad people are doing terrible things in our names doesn't mean that we should support them just because we share a nationality, ethnicity or religion.
Who among you would support serial killer's crimes just because you went to the same church, synagogue, mosque or meditation centre? By the same token, no one should support a criminal state government. The evidence is there that SEVERAL administrations are corrupt, including the ex- and current Canadian administrations, the current Republican AND the ex-Democrat American administrations, definitely the current Blair cabinet, current and past Israeli administrations and SEVERAL if not ALL Arab administrations who stand by and spew rhetoric and empty threats while their personal coffers overflow with cash OTHER arab peoples so desperately need to survive and defend themselves.
I support the actions of NONE of these corrupt political administrations and I reject their claims to speak for the people of their nations. I actively support YOU, the people who are speaking out against this state-sanctioned terrorism against civilian populations. Our terrorists walk around in suits, lunching in our national capital, cooking up lies and we must stop them at all costs.
So, thank you for your bravery. It takes a brave soul even to admit that something suspicious might be going on.
Anyone who immerses themselves in the daily news - a barrage of death that I cannot comprehend - knows how difficult it is to proceed with the normal daily tasks at hand. It is uplifting to see so many who care, so many who use whatever voice they have to inform and educate others. I thank those too who have read these bulletins with care and who have passed them on to others.
We, the people of some of the most integrated generations in history, must do all we can to counteract the racism, prejudice, lies, and propaganda that we are being fed in order to increase the power of the old guard. Make no mistake, the majority of these politicians do not care about you or your family. They lie to you about how it is to live in other countries and about how good or bad the people there can be.
Those of us who live in very multicultural communities know that whether someone is Black or White, Arab or Jewish, Hispanic or Asian has no bearing on the strength of their character. In each group there are good people and bad people and our task is to learn that just because some bad people are doing terrible things in our names doesn't mean that we should support them just because we share a nationality, ethnicity or religion.
Who among you would support serial killer's crimes just because you went to the same church, synagogue, mosque or meditation centre? By the same token, no one should support a criminal state government. The evidence is there that SEVERAL administrations are corrupt, including the ex- and current Canadian administrations, the current Republican AND the ex-Democrat American administrations, definitely the current Blair cabinet, current and past Israeli administrations and SEVERAL if not ALL Arab administrations who stand by and spew rhetoric and empty threats while their personal coffers overflow with cash OTHER arab peoples so desperately need to survive and defend themselves.
I support the actions of NONE of these corrupt political administrations and I reject their claims to speak for the people of their nations. I actively support YOU, the people who are speaking out against this state-sanctioned terrorism against civilian populations. Our terrorists walk around in suits, lunching in our national capital, cooking up lies and we must stop them at all costs.
So, thank you for your bravery. It takes a brave soul even to admit that something suspicious might be going on.
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