Monday, July 24, 2006

Democracy Now! Independent journalist reports from Beirut

Read more at Democracy Now!
Lebanon Under Seige

"I spoke with one student earlier from the American University of Beirut, which is nearby my hotel, and he said that he is very much against Hezbollah and always has been and is more now than ever because of what this has caused his country. But he said he's very much opposed to this Israeli reaction to what happened, and he said -- he told me that he very much hates the fact that the U.S. is supporting Israel 100% in everything that they do here now, and even though his dream was to go to the United States, as he's a business student at the university here, now he said that he hates the United States, and so it's very easy to say -- not just after talking with this man, but several other people today, as well -- that the level of anti-American sentiment is really through the roof, because people are extremely -- theyre acutely aware of the U.S. green-lighting this ongoing Israeli aggression against their country."

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