Sunday, September 18, 2005


Okay, to counteract the negativity of my previous post, I'm going to share some poetry from the archives.

The Cripple - inspired by a short film by Jennifer Yu

I have just been lifted by a cripple

Who had no arms to support my weight

No legs to stand for me

No breath to breathe life into me

Only a soul

A soul - he said - that was separated from his body

His body inferior, ugly, useless

His soul great, living, inspirational

He spoke of his life

He spoke of yearning to love

He spoke of confusion

“Why do I live”

“Why do I suffer this pain”

As the words flowed from his mouth

Through my speakers

To my ears

I heard my voice screaming



When? God, are you there?

Why am I alive?

My questions go unanswered

But his...

The pieces of his life

Look less like chaos

More like a complete puzzle

Does he live to inspire me?

Does he suffer to magnify my blessings?

As I ascend step by step the tears build inside

Pressuring my soul

I am aware of how my legs propel me forward

I am aware of how my arms pull me forward

I realize I have enough breath to continue my activity

And when I lie down

My incapacity will last eight hours

While his daily dominates

His life

Bless him

I can never repay him for the service he has done me

Will God send me someone whose soul is as beautiful as his?

Are we kindred souls

Do I feel as he does because our souls vibrate purity?

God thank you

God bless you

You are a great teacher

A natural counsellor

Your strength dwarfs mine

If I have any at all

And it seems though I began this hour with not an ounce

I shall finish it with much more.



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